Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Paranoia Activity

Saw this picture on Pinterest and died laughing cause I do this EVERY night and have done this ever since I was little. 

Here are a few other things that gets my Paranoia kicking in overdrive: 
  • Taking a shower at night when I'm home by myself.......When you're in the shower you can't hear shit but the water. You don't know if an intruder just came in and is waiting for you in your closet cause he knows you're naked and you are an easy rape!!! 
  • When its night time and my dog barks...... Why is he barking? He never barks!!! That must mean there is a killer outside with a knife waiting to kill me! 
  • When it's past 8pm and someone rings your doorbell...... Im no fool! I'm not expecting anybody and I've seen the movie "The Strangers".. I just pretend that I'm not home, even though my T.V is blasted and the lights are on. Then I grab Mason and lay really still on the floor behind the couch (that way if people shoot the door down the bullets would miss us) call the person living closest to me and tell them to come over please cause someone just knocked on my door. (True story, I've had to do this twice already. :-/)
  • When I lay in bed and hear any out of the ordinary noise.... I lay there pre planning all my possible "panic room" spots in my house or escape routes for me and Mason.   
  • Coming home and it's night-time out to see that I left my blinds open.... Now the killer can see in but I can't see out to know where he is! So now I have to rush to close my blinds and run upstairs till I know the coast is clear to come back down.
Yes, I probably just sounded like a real crazy nut job right now..... but this is why it's called PARANOIA***!!! 
  1. A mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution

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